Monday, February 28, 2022

Difficult People

1. Expecting others to behave like him/her and if they don’t he/she starts hating them. For example some people are introverted in nature so they are bit shy and not so open but because he is an extrovert he wants the introverts to behave like him.

2. Hating others for no reason. Well you ask him why do you hate that person? his response “Well i don’t know”.

3. Someone who never wishes well for others and takes joy in seeing others suffering. For example you lost your phone in the taxi and instead of comforting you he/she starts laughing.

4. Someone who always think they are right and see other people as wrong. Such people are never cooperative and can frustrate you.

5. Difficult people give bad vibes whenever you interact with them. You can just feel it whenever you talk to them.
Treats those who are lower than him in social class, profession badly.

6. Lacks empathy for people and mistreats animals.
Difficult people are selfish. They have the mentality of “me” in everything because they think that the world revolves around them.
If people are always not feeling comfortable around you and rather not talk to you then you might be a difficult person.

7. Difficult people lack a sense of humor.
Most of the time they don’t laugh when people are making jokes. Even in group conversations they hardly smile nor laugh when people are having a good time.

8. Difficult people always make arguments. This is because they think they are right as i stated in (5). They always make arguments even on trivial matters.

9. They are never forgiving. They never let go of the wrong others have done to them in the past.

10. They never apologize. Its like you have to cajole them to apologize. That’s because of their ego.